Lavinshy Burmese Cat Breeder
Pedigree Cat Breeder, based near Worthing West Sussex

Here are just a few messages from new owners of Lavinshy Burmese kittens settled happily in their new homes.
Hi Linda ,
One month on and they continue to grow and thrive. Particularly Rolo who is going to be a big boy! We will have to watch his weight after his neutering. When they are in 'activated' mode they charge around completely demented. Suku leads the trouble making and he obeys! He is trying to help me type this sitting on my shoulder. True to type he is the lap cat! Both give us so much joy. Thank you.
Kind regards
Juliet and John
Hi Linda,
He is a wonderfully lively and friendly boy who is loved by everyone he meets. He won’t let anyone sit down on the sofa without giving them a good cuddle!
Thank you so much for letting us bring him home.
Hope all is well with you and your cats.
Hi Linda,
I just thought I would write and say how much we love Cocobean (born 7th September 2014) She is just wonderful and has fitted into the household perfectly.
A couple of pics for you. Thanks again,
Penny Andrews

Hi Linda
Our chocolate boy (we named him Smiggle!) is wonderful. He has the most amazing personality. The kids adore him, especially when he gives them kisses! The house has been full of family during the holidays but it has not phased him, even with a 1-year-old baby crawling around after him. He is very well natured.
He also has a mischievous side and likes to play hide and see! He has a mad half hour every now and again which is very entertaining. We think he has fit into our family very well, he's certainly in charge of our house!
We'll keep you updated. Bye for now
Debbie, Richard, Mia, Dylan & Smiggle x

Dear Linda,
Sorry for not sending an update sooner. He is absolutely delightful, and such a time-waster that I haven’t sat down to write to you. I also have a very willing helper when it comes to computer work. He loves to join in and walk all over the keys. You have no idea of the rubbish I have to delete! (See the beginning of the sentence.)

My father-in-law, who generally doesn’t like cats, thought of the name.
We all love him, and he shares his affection around, being happy to cuddle my husband and any of my 4 sons who have a handy lap.
He was clean from the word go, due to your training no doubt, and didn’t spend any time at all hiding away. He didn’t squeak once on the long drive home, and happily, goes to sit in his travel case from time to time. He had his free check up with our vet after his first week, he had put on 100 grams in that time, and eats well. I weighed him yesterday, and he’s put on another 120 or so grams.
At night, he has slept on top of me or my son Max since he got here, and we all play with him during the day. My house is full of cat toys, cardboard boxes, balls made of silver paper etc. He has a favourite toy, a lion on elastic, which he drags around and "kills" with great vigour. I think he did miss his litter mates a bit, as he ran around meowing, looking behind furniture, but we tried to distract him, and he has lots of cuddles. He has just reappeared and is having a cuddle right now. I just wish I could have had two!
Thank you so much for raising such lovely kittens. I knew when l found your site, that a Lavinshy kitten would be the one for me, and he’s even lovelier than l could have expected.
Thank you again,
With all best wishes from us and from your little brown boy Ulysses,
He has settled in very well and is now lord and master of all he surveys. We have called him Ulysses, as he is so adventurous.

Hi Linda,
Thanks for the email, it's just about a week now and Olivier has settled really well and I am very pleased with him. I think he just about explored all the nooks and crannies in the house and runs around chasing anything and everything.
He loves to lay around my neck while I am getting on with things. Not had any accidents on the toilet front uses the litter tray without any problems. He seems to have taken to the bed on the activity stand, see pic.
I will keep you informed of his progress.
Hi Linda,
The kittens are doing really well, thank you for checking in. See the attached picture. We're very happy with the kittens... and very glad we have two!
Hope you are well.
Kind regards,

I keep meaning to email you to let you know how the kittens are getting on but it has been so manic with Christmas etc, everything is slowly returning to normal so I have a bit more time to get my jobs done.
We decided to call them Ferris and Tallulah and they are amazing! everyone who meets them has fallen in love with them. They are beautiful, playful and very affectionate. Ferris

will go to anyone and is a dream with the girls, Tallulah is slightly more discerning about whose lap she sits on (mine!)!
We are so pleased they are with us and even more pleased that we got two as they are very close and keep each other entertained especially during their little crazy half hours when they run all over the house as fast as they can, they look like two little greyhounds!!
We are very happy with them so thank you very much.
Warm regards
Hi Linda,
Just wanted you to see this in case there was any doubt that they would get on! Tiki & Maya are giving me hours of entertainment & joy.
They have many admirers. Cannot remember what it was like now to be without them.
Thanks again

I can't put all the lovely emails I receive with kittens happily settled in their new homes. Next best thing some lovely photos which say it all.

These photos and the words written from Jo are so glorious, I felt I had to find a place for them on my website.

I expect your next new kittens should have arrived by now and you will be busy with them, all I can say is that is if you do as good a job with them as you have done with my delightful Humphrey then their new owners will be very lucky.
I do hope you have a lovely Christmas
Kind regards
Hi Linda,
Thank you for your Christmas card. Sending something similar in return is far too technical for me, but I am sending you a Christmas picture of Humphrey who as you can see has quickly learnt to climb the Christmas tree! I just can't put into words how gorgeous he is and what a joy he is to have around and have. Humphrey loves to get involved with everything I do and at the moment he thinks he is helping me write this email, by chasing the cursor and standing on the keys, you have no idea what rubbish I have had to delete.

I am so grateful for all you have done to give me the lovely kitten I have. I will always appreciate the wonderful start you have given him.
With many many thanks
Hi Linda,
Should have emailed you before to tell you how well and quickly Humphrey has settled in. He is a complete time-waster and I spend most of my day either cuddling him or playing with him hence the reason for not dropping you a line before now.
He really is the most gorgeous outgoing friendly little chap you could ever wish to have and I’m so thrilled with him and love him to bits.
I know you put such a lot of love and care into rearing your babies.